Information about CUSSS 2025 is forthcoming. In the meantime, feel free to review information on CUSSS 2024 below.
Reach out to if you have any questions.
The Carolina Undergraduate Social Science Symposium (CUSSS) operates under the auspices of the South Carolina Sociological Association (SCSA). The Symposium provides undergraduate students the opportunity to present their research at a professional meeting with the support of faculty. Presentations should be based on research that students have created in or because of one of their upper-level social science courses.
Newberry College will be hosting CUSSS 2024, on April 18 and 19. Dr. Danielle Lewis ( is the organizer. There will be a public lecture the evening of Thursday (6:00 pm) and the symposium will happen on Friday (8:30 am – 2:00 pm). Stay tuned for more information!
Registration is $20/per person, which includes lunch. There is a discounted price of $15/per person for groups of 8 or more, including faculty or guests. Non-presenting students are also welcome to simply attend and observe. (Students are required to present to enter the research paper, poster, and presentation competitions).
Our program for the 2024 symposium is at the bottom of this page.
Research and poster presentations in any area of social science are welcome. “Social science” includes but is not limited to Sociology, Applied Sociology, Anthropology, Communication, Criminology, Economics, Geography, History, Media Studies, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Race/Ethnic Studies, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Policy Studies, and Global/International Studies.
“Research” is broadly defined. However, posters, papers, and presentations must be based on data generated by some method of student inquiry.
We look forward to honoring student presenters with awards!
All presenters will receive Certificates of Participation. The two best papers; the two best presentations; and the two best posters will each receive a Certificate for Excellence in Undergraduate Research and a cash prize.
The 2024 deadline for abstracts is April 5, 2024. Papers are due April 12, 2024.
Please email the items listed below to with the
subject heading "CUSSS Submission"
Faculty sponsors are encouraged to help students submit abstracts and guide them with their posters and papers. Information on where to send abstracts is forthcoming.
Students entering the Best Research Presentation and Best Poster competitions should bring these with them to the symposium.
Undergraduate research papers, presentations, and posters with multiple authors may be presented. However, to be considered for each competition, they must be single authored. Students must be present to win.
Have any questions about CUSSS? Contact Dr. Danielle Lewis at